Source code for maelstrom.maelstrom

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division, print_function

from .estimator import estimate_frequencies
from .utils import (
from .orbit import Orbit

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import theano.tensor as tt
import theano
import pymc3 as pm
from pymc3.model import Model
import seaborn as sns

import exoplanet as xo
from exoplanet.orbits import get_true_anomaly
from astropy.timeseries import LombScargle
import tqdm

__all__ = ["Maelstrom", "PB1Model", "BaseOrbitModel"]

[docs]class BaseOrbitModel(Model): def __init__(self, time, flux, freq=None, name="", model=None, **kwargs): """A base orbit model from which all other orbit models inherit. Parameters ---------- time : Array-like Time values flux : Array-like Flux values freq : Array-like, optional Frequencies of the model, by default None is_flux : bool, optional [description], by default True name : str, optional [description], by default '' model : [type], optional [description], by default None Raises ------ ValueError [description] ValueError [description] """ super(BaseOrbitModel, self).__init__(name, model) # Input validation if not (len(time) == len(flux)): raise ValueError( "Input arrays have different lengths." " len(time)={}, len(flux)={}".format(len(time), len(flux)) ) if len(flux[np.isnan(flux)]) > 0: raise ValueError("Flux array must not have nan values") # Find frequencies if none are supplied if freq is None: freq = estimate_frequencies(time, flux, **kwargs) self.time = time self.flux = (flux - np.mean(flux)) * 1e3 self.freq = np.array(freq) # def uncertainty(self, map_soln): # """Calculates the Fisher information of the current model, returning # an estimate of the covariance of the parameters in the model. Note that this will # *not* work if any GP (celerite) kernels are active in your model. # Args: # map_soln (dict): Optimisation results. # Returns: # array: Diagonals of the covariance matrix. # """ # with self: # return np.sqrt(np.diag(np.linalg.solve(pm.find_hessian(map_soln))))
[docs] def sample(self, tune=3000, draws=3000, start=None, target_accept=0.9, **kwargs): """ Samples the model using the exoplanet PyMC3 sampler. By default, this will sample from 2 chains over 2 cores simultaneously. Parameters ---------- tune : float, optional Number of tuning steps for the sampler (default 3000) draws : float, optional Number of samples from which to populate the trace (default 3000) start : dict, optional Starting location of the sampler. If none is supplied, the sampler will first optimize the model. target_accept : float, optional The target acceptance ratio of the NUTS sampler (default 0.9). **kwargs : Keyword arguments to pass to sample.tune and sample.sample Returns ------- trace : `pm trace object?` """ if start is None: start = self.optimize() with self: trace = pm.sample( tune=tune, draws=draws, start=start, chains=2, step=xo.get_dense_nuts_step(target_accept=target_accept), ) return trace
[docs] def evaluate(self, var, opt=None): """ Convenience function which wraps exoplanet.utils.eval_in_model() """ with self: return xo.utils.eval_in_model(var, opt)
[docs] def get_period_estimate(self, **kwargs): """ Estimates the period from the segmented time delay Returns ---------- period : float Estimate of the period from extracted time delays. """ # This should really use a weighted average periodogram t0s, time_delay = self.get_time_delay(**kwargs) ls_model = LombScargle(t0s, time_delay.T[0]) ls_frequencies = np.linspace(1e-3, 0.5 / np.median(np.diff(t0s)), 10000) power = ls_model.power(ls_frequencies, method="fast", normalization="psd") period = 1 / ls_frequencies[np.argmax(power)] return period
def _estimate_segment(self): """Don't even ask. """ return 510.753 * np.median(np.diff(self.time)) - 0.215054
[docs] def plot_time_delay(self, ax=None, show_weighted=True, **kwargs): """Plots the time delay. **kwargs go into `get_time_delay`. """ t0s, time_delay = self.get_time_delay(**kwargs) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() colors = np.array(sns.color_palette("Blues", n_colors=len(self.freq)))[::-1] for td, color in zip(time_delay.T, colors): ax.plot(t0s, td, c=color) if show_weighted: ax.plot( t0s, np.average(time_delay, axis=1, weights=self.get_weights()), c=[0.84627451, 0.28069204, 0.00410611], ) ax.set_xlabel("Time [day]") ax.set_ylabel("Time delay [s]") ax.set_xlim(t0s[0], t0s[-1]) return ax
[docs] def plot_periodogram(self, ax=None): """Plots the periodogram of the light curve with the model frequencies overlaid. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib axis, optional do you want an axis or not, by default None Returns ------- ax this is also an axis. """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() colors = np.array(sns.color_palette("Blues", n_colors=len(self.freq)))[::-1] nyq = 0.5 / np.median(np.diff(self.time)) if np.any(self.freq > nyq): fmax = np.max(self.freq) + 10.0 else: fmax = None freq, amp = amplitude_spectrum(self.time, self.flux, fmax=fmax) ax.plot(freq, amp, linewidth=0.7, c="black") weights = self.get_weights(norm=False) for f, weight, color in zip(self.freq, weights, colors): ax.scatter(f, weight, color=color, marker="v") ax.set_xlim(freq[0], freq[-1]) ax.set_ylim(0, None) ax.set_xlabel(r"Frequency [day$^{-1}$]") ax.set_ylabel("Amplitude [ppt]") return ax
[docs] def plot_time_delay_periodogram_period( self, min_period=None, max_period=None, ax=None, annotate=True, return_res=False, **kwargs ): """ Plots the time delay periodogram """ t0s, time_delay = self.get_time_delay(**kwargs) nyq = 0.5 / np.median(np.diff(t0s)) if min_period is None: min_period = 1 / nyq if max_period is None: max_period = self.time[-1] - self.time[0] if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() full = np.average(time_delay, axis=1, weights=self.get_weights()) m = np.isfinite(full) colors = np.array(sns.color_palette("Blues", n_colors=len(self.freq)))[::-1] for td, color in zip(time_delay.T, colors): res = xo.estimators.lomb_scargle_estimator( t0s[m], td[m], min_period=min_period, max_period=max_period ) f, p = res["periodogram"] ax.plot(1 / f, p / np.max(p), c=color) res = xo.estimators.lomb_scargle_estimator( t0s[m], full[m], min_period=min_period, max_period=max_period ) f, p = res["periodogram"] ax.plot(1 / f, p / np.max(p), c=[0.84627451, 0.28069204, 0.00410611]) ax.set_xlabel("Period [day]") ax.set_ylabel("Power") """ if annotate: period_guess = res["peaks"][0]["period"] arg = 2*np.pi*t0s[:-1][m]/period_guess D = np.concatenate((np.sin(arg)[:, None], np.cos(arg)[:, None], np.ones((len(phases[m]), 1))), axis=-1) w = np.linalg.solve(, D),, full[m])) a_guess = np.sqrt(np.sum(w[:2]**2)) * 86400 a = mass_function(period_guess*, a_guess*u.s) ax.annotate('Period: ' + str(np.round(period_guess, 2)) + ' d \n' + '$asini$: ' + str(np.round(a_guess, 2)) + ' s \n' + '$f(M)$: ' + '{:.2e}'.format(a.value) + ' $M_\odot$', (0.75,0.75), xycoords='axes fraction')""" ax.set_xlim((1 / f)[-1], (1 / f)[0]) ax.set_ylim(0, None) if return_res: return res return
[docs] def plot_time_delay_periodogram(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plots the time delay periodogram (i.e. the amplitude spectrum of the time delay signal) Args: ax (matplotlib axis, optional): Axis on which to plot. If None is supplied, a new one will be generated. Defaults to None. Returns: matplotlib axis: Axis on which the periodogram is plotted. """ t0s, time_delay = self.get_time_delay(**kwargs) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() full = np.average(time_delay, axis=1, weights=self.get_weights()) m = np.isfinite(full) colors = np.array(sns.color_palette("Blues", n_colors=len(self.freq)))[::-1] for td, color in zip(time_delay.T, colors): f, p = amplitude_spectrum(t0s[m], td[m]) ax.plot(f, p / np.max(p), c=color, linewidth=0.7) f, p = amplitude_spectrum(t0s[m], full[m]) ax.plot(f, p / np.max(p), c=[0.84627451, 0.28069204, 0.00410611]) ax.set_xlabel(r"Frequency [day$^{-1}$]") ax.set_ylabel("Power") ax.set_xlim(f[0], f[-1]) ax.set_ylim(0, None) return ax
[docs] def first_look(self, segment_size=None, save_path=None, **kwargs): """Shows the light curve, its amplitude spectrum, the time delay signal, and the periodogram of the time delay signal in one convenient function. This is useful if you want to check whether a star may be a PM binary. However, sometimes only the strongest peak in the star will show a TD signal. Args: segment_size (float, optional): Segment size in which to subdivide the light curve, in units of `time`. Defaults to None. save_path (str, optional): If you want to save the output of the axis, pass a save path. Defaults to None. Returns: array: Array of matplotlib axes. """ if segment_size is None: segment_size = self._estimate_segment() fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=[12, 7]) axes = axes.flatten() # Light curve ax = axes[0] ax.plot(self.time, self.flux, ".k") ax.set_xlim(self.time[0], self.time[-1]) ax.set_xlabel("Time [day]") ax.set_ylabel("Flux") # Plot the light curve periodogram self.plot_periodogram(ax=axes[1]) self.plot_time_delay(ax=axes[2], segment_size=segment_size) self.plot_time_delay_periodogram( ax=axes[3], segment_size=segment_size, ) if save_path is not None: plt.savefig(save_path, dpi=150) plt.close("all") return return axes
def _assign_test_value(self, opt): """Updates the test value of a model with optimization results. Args: opt (dict): Optimisation results """ with self as model: for x in opt: model[x].tag.test_value = opt[x]
[docs] def get_time_delay(self, segment_size=None): """ Calculates the time delay signal, splitting the light curve into chunks of width segment_size. A smaller segment size will increase the scatter of the time delay signal, especially for low frequencies. Parameters ---------- segment_size : `float` Segment size in which to separate the light curve, in units of the light curve time. For example, the default segment size of 10 will separate a 1000 d long light curve in 100 segments of 10 d each. Returns ------- time_midpoint : `numpy.ndarray` Midpoints of time for each segment in the light curve time_delay: `numpy.ndarray` Values of the extracted time delay in each segment. """ if segment_size is None: segment_size = self._estimate_segment() uHz_conv = 1e-6 * 24 * 60 * 60 time_0 = self.time[0] time_slice, mag_slice, phase = [], [], [] time_delays, time_midpoints = [], [] # Iterate over lightcurve for t, y in zip(self.time, self.flux): time_slice.append(t) mag_slice.append(y) # In each segment if t - time_0 > segment_size: # Append the time midpoint time_midpoints.append(np.mean(time_slice)) # And the phases for each frequency phase.append(dft_phase(time_slice, mag_slice, self.freq)) time_0 = t time_slice, mag_slice = [], [] phase = np.array(phase).T # Phase wrapping patch for ph, f in zip(phase, self.freq): ph = np.unwrap(ph) ph -= np.mean(ph) td = ph / (2 * np.pi * (f / uHz_conv * 1e-6)) time_delays.append(td) time_delays = np.array(time_delays).T return np.array(time_midpoints), np.array(time_delays)
[docs] def get_weights(self, norm=True): """Calculates the amplitudes of each frequency, returning an array of amplitudes. This is useful for calculating the weighted average time delay. Returns ------- weights (potentially) normalised amplitudes of each frequency """ weights = np.zeros(len(self.freq)) for i, f in enumerate(self.freq): model = LombScargle(self.time, self.flux) sc = model.power(f, method="fast", normalization="psd") fct = np.sqrt(4.0 / len(self.time)) weights[i] = np.sqrt(sc) * fct if norm: weights /= np.max(weights) return weights
[docs] def profile(self): """Profiles the current model, returning the runtime of each node in your Theano graph Returns ------- [type] [description] """ with self as model: func = xo.utils.get_theano_function_for_var(model.logpt, profile=True) return func.profile.summary()
[docs] def to_eddy(self): from .eddy import Eddy p_guess = self.get_period_estimate()
[docs]class Maelstrom(BaseOrbitModel): """The real deal. This class provides an orbit model for an arbitrarily sized binary system, where each frequency `freq` is assigned a separate lighttime (asini). The time delays are forward-modelled directly onto the light curve `time` and `flux` data. Args: time (array): Time values of the light curve flux (array): Flux values of the light curve freq (array, optional): Frequencies on which to model the time delay. If none are supplied, Maelstrom will attempt to find the most optimal frequencies. Defaults to None. name (str, optional): Model name. Defaults to ''. """ def __init__(self, time, flux, freq=None, name="", model=None, **kwargs): super(Maelstrom, self).__init__( time, flux, freq=freq, name=name, model=model, **kwargs )
[docs] def setup_orbit_model(self, period=None, eccen=None): """ Generates an unpinned orbit model for the system. Each frequency in the model will be assigned a lighttime (asini). Optimizing this model will reveal which frequencies, if any, are associated with which stars. In general, this model should not be sampled. Parameters ---------- period : float Initial period of the orbital system. If none is supplied (default), Maelstrom will attempt to find a suitable period by directly examining the time delays. eccen : float Initial eccentricity of the system, defaults to 0.5 if None supplied. """ # Get estimate of period if none supplied if period is None: period = self.get_period_estimate() with self: # Orbital parameters logperiod = pm.Normal("logperiod", mu=np.log(period), sd=100) period = pm.Deterministic("period", tt.exp(logperiod)) t0 = pm.Normal("t0", mu=0, sd=100.0) varpi = xo.distributions.Angle("varpi") eccen = pm.Uniform("eccen", lower=1e-5, upper=1.0 - 1e-5, testval=eccen) logs = pm.Normal("logs", mu=np.log(np.std(self.flux)), sd=100) lighttime = pm.Normal("lighttime", mu=0.0, sd=100.0, shape=len(self.freq)) # Better parameterization for the reference time sinw = tt.sin(varpi) cosw = tt.cos(varpi) opsw = 1 + sinw E0 = 2 * tt.arctan2(tt.sqrt(1 - eccen) * cosw, tt.sqrt(1 + eccen) * opsw) M0 = E0 - eccen * tt.sin(E0) tref = pm.Deterministic("tref", t0 - M0 * period / (2 * np.pi)) # Mean anom M = 2.0 * np.pi * (self.time - tref) / period # True anom f = get_true_anomaly(M, eccen + tt.zeros_like(M)) psi = -( (1 - tt.square(eccen)) * tt.sin(f + varpi) / (1 + eccen * tt.cos(f)) ) # tau in d self.tau = (lighttime / 86400.0)[None, :] * psi[:, None] # Sample in the weights parameters factor = 2.0 * np.pi * self.freq[None, :] arg = factor * self.time[:, None] - factor * self.tau mean_flux = pm.Normal("mean_flux", mu=0.0, sd=100.0) W_hat_cos = pm.Normal("W_hat_cos", mu=0.0, sd=100.0, shape=len(self.freq)) W_hat_sin = pm.Normal("W_hat_sin", mu=0.0, sd=100.0, shape=len(self.freq)) model_tensor =, W_hat_cos[:, None]) model_tensor +=, W_hat_sin[:, None]) self.lc_model = tt.squeeze(model_tensor) + mean_flux # Condition on the observations pm.Normal("obs", mu=self.lc_model, sd=tt.exp(logs), observed=self.flux)
[docs] def pin_orbit_model(self, opt=None): """ Pins the orbit model to attribute the frequencies to the correct stars. In doing so, the lighttimes are collapsed into a single value for each star. Parameters ---------- opt : `dict` Results of the `optimize` function for the model. If none is supplied, Maelstrom will optimize first. Returns ------- `PB2Model` or `PB1Model`, both instances of a `PyMC3.model.Model` """ if opt is None: opt = self.optimize() lt = opt["lighttime"] lt_ivar = np.arange(len(self.freq)).astype(np.int32) chi = lt * np.sqrt(lt_ivar) mask_lower = chi < -1.0 mask_upper = chi > 1.0 if np.any(mask_lower) and np.any(mask_upper): m1 = lt >= 0 m2 = ~m1 lt = np.array( [ np.sum(lt_ivar[m1] * lt[m1]) / np.sum(lt_ivar[m1]), np.sum(lt_ivar[m2] * lt[m2]) / np.sum(lt_ivar[m2]), ] ) inds = 1 - m1.astype(np.int32) else: inds = np.zeros(len(lt), dtype=np.int32) lt = np.array([np.sum(lt_ivar * lt) / np.sum(lt_ivar)]) pinned_lt = lt if len(pinned_lt) > 1: # Get frequencies for each star nu_arr_negative = self.freq[np.where(inds == 1)] nu_arr_positive = self.freq[np.where(inds == 0)] raise ValueError( "PB2 systems have not been implemented. See the docs on using \ a custom model to fit PB2 systems (KIC 10080943)" ) else: # PB1 system, all frequencies belong to one star new_model = PB1Model(self.time, self.flux / 1e3, freq=self.freq) new_model.init_orbit(opt["period"], np.abs(pinned_lt[0])) return new_model
[docs] def optimize(self, vars=None, verbose=False, **kwargs): with self as model: if vars is None: map_soln = xo.optimize( start=model.test_point, vars=[self.mean_flux, self.W_hat_cos, self.W_hat_sin], verbose=False, ) map_soln = xo.optimize( start=map_soln, vars=[self.logs, self.mean_flux, model.W_hat_cos, model.W_hat_sin], verbose=False, ) map_soln = xo.optimize( start=map_soln, vars=[model.lighttime, model.t0], verbose=False ) map_soln = xo.optimize( start=map_soln, vars=[ model.logs, model.mean_flux, model.W_hat_cos, model.W_hat_sin, ], verbose=False, ) map_soln = xo.optimize( start=map_soln, vars=[model.logperiod, model.t0], verbose=False ) map_soln = xo.optimize( start=map_soln, vars=[model.eccen, model.varpi], verbose=False ) map_soln = xo.optimize( start=map_soln, vars=[model.logperiod, model.t0], verbose=False ) map_soln = xo.optimize( start=map_soln, vars=[model.lighttime], verbose=False ) map_soln = xo.optimize( start=map_soln, vars=[model.eccen, model.varpi], verbose=False ) map_soln = xo.optimize( start=map_soln, vars=[ model.logs, model.mean_flux, model.W_hat_cos, model.W_hat_sin, ], verbose=False, ) map_soln = xo.optimize(start=map_soln, verbose=verbose) else: map_soln = xo.optimize(vars=vars, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) self._assign_test_value(map_soln) return map_soln
[docs]class PB1Model(BaseOrbitModel): def __init__(self, time, flux, freq=None, name="PB1", model=None): """ A PyMC3 custom model object for a binary system in which only one star is pulsating. This model inherits from the BaseOrbitModel class. """ super(PB1Model, self).__init__(time, flux, freq=freq, name=name, model=model)
[docs] def init_orbit(self, period, asini, with_eccen=True, with_gp=False): self.with_gp = with_gp self.with_eccen = with_eccen with self: # Orbital period logP = pm.Bound(pm.Normal, lower=np.log(1), upper=np.log(self.time[-1]))( "logP", mu=np.log(period), sd=5, testval=np.log(period) ) self.period = pm.Deterministic("period", pm.math.exp(logP)) # The time of conjunction self.phi = xo.distributions.Angle("phi") self.logs_lc = pm.Normal( "logs_lc", mu=np.log(np.std(self.flux)), sd=10, testval=0.0 ) logasini = pm.Bound(pm.Normal, lower=np.log(1), upper=np.log(1000))( "logasini", mu=np.log(asini), sd=5, testval=np.log(asini) ) self.asini = pm.Deterministic("asini", tt.exp(logasini)) # The baseline flux self.mean = pm.Normal( "mean", mu=np.mean(self.flux), sd=1, testval=np.mean(self.flux) ) lognu = pm.Normal( "lognu", mu=np.log(self.freq), sd=0.1, shape=len(self.freq) ) = pm.Deterministic("nu", tt.exp(lognu)) if self.with_eccen: # Eccentricity = xo.distributions.Angle("omega", testval=0.0) self.eccen = pm.Uniform("eccen", lower=0, upper=0.9, testval=0.1) else: self.eccen = None # Here, we generate an Orbit instance and pass in our priors. self.orbit = Orbit( period=self.period, lighttime=self.asini,, eccen=self.eccen, phi=self.phi,, ) = self.orbit.get_lightcurve_model(self.time, self.flux) + self.mean if self.with_gp: logw0 = pm.Bound( pm.Normal, lower=np.log(2 * np.pi / 100.0), upper=np.log(2 * np.pi / 2), )( "logw0", mu=np.log(2 * np.pi / 10), sd=10, testval=np.log(2 * np.pi / 10), ) logpower = pm.Normal("logpower", mu=np.log(np.var(self.flux)), sd=10) logS0 = pm.Deterministic("logS0", logpower - 4 * logw0) kernel = log_S0=logS0, log_w0=logw0, Q=1 / np.sqrt(2) ) = kernel, self.time, tt.exp(2 * self.logs_lc) + tt.zeros(len(self.time)), J=2, ) pm.Potential("obs", - else: pm.Normal( "obs",, sd=tt.exp(self.logs_lc), observed=self.flux )
[docs] def optimize(self, vars=None): """Optimises the model. Parameters ---------- vars : array of model parameters, optional parameters of the model to be optimized, by default None Returns ------- dict optimisation results """ with self as model: if vars is None: all_but = [ v for v in model.vars if not in ["logP_interval__", "logasini_interval__"] ] map_params = xo.optimize(start=None, vars=[self.mean]) map_params = xo.optimize(start=map_params, vars=[self.logs_lc]) if self.with_gp: map_params = xo.optimize( start=map_params, vars=[self.logpower, self.logw0] ) if self.with_eccen: map_params = xo.optimize( start=map_params, vars=[self.eccen,] ) map_params = xo.optimize(start=map_params, vars=[self.phi]) map_params = xo.optimize(start=map_params, vars=[self.lognu]) map_params = xo.optimize(start=map_params, vars=all_but) map_params = xo.optimize(start=map_params, vars=[self.logasini]) map_params = xo.optimize(start=map_params, vars=all_but) map_params = xo.optimize(start=map_params, vars=[self.logP]) self.map_params = xo.optimize(start=map_params, vars=all_but) else: self.map_params = xo.optimize(start=None, vars=vars) self._assign_test_value(self.map_params) return self.map_params